300 Harrow Road Winner at Inside Housing Development Awards

Inside Housing Awards 2024. 300 Harrow Road is finalist in four categories at the IHDA awards

Best regeneration project - 100+ homes

Best aordable housing development - 20m +

Best partnership - 100+ homes

Best healthy homes development – Urban

We are delighted to announce that the project has won Best Affordable Housing Development 

The IHDA showcases the very best residential developments across the UK over the past year. In challenging times our sector has proved its resilience; striving towards more sustainable solutions and projects that put the needs of the communities they serve first. Judges commented "A really good example of thoughtful regeneration in a dense city location. All rent (Affordable and Social). Inclusion of community facility investment. High quality of the homes was visible including the size (family centred). Supported by strong local feedback on impact and social value."

Award Winner


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